Monday, May 28, 2012




Our 2012 OROZCO FAMILY REUNION date is almost here!  The purpose of the Orozco Family Reunion is to remember, honor and unite the descendants of Antonia, Arcardio, Gabino, Hilario, Ricarda, Sotero, and Tirso Orozco.  The reunion will take place on July 7, 2012 at St. Ann Catholic Church’s Parish Hall, 333 Thornberry Road, Somerville, Texas 77879.  The theme for the reunion is ‘patriotic’.  It is requested that everyone dress in the patriotic red, white and blue colors as we pay tribute to our beautiful ‘Orozco Family’ and our ancestors, the wonderful country in which many ‘Orozco’ family member’s live, and our courageous military veterans.    We are very excited and look forward to greeting and seeing you when you arrive!

A save the date card was sent earlier in the year to those whose addresses we have.  A few cards were returned to the sender marked as ‘undeliverable’, ‘moved’ or ‘addressee unknown’.  Your assistance in sharing the reunion invitation information with your ‘Orozco’ family members is requested.  You may help us get the invitation information to your ‘Orozco’ family members by:  making a phone call or, better yet, sending a copy of this newsletter and registration form to your family members via e-mail or regular mail.  We look forward to reuniting with as many family members possible on our reunion day.  Thank you to everyone for helping in this effort.  Orozco reunion information can also be found at the following blogspot:

Mass For those who wish, the regular schedule for holy mass at St. Ann Catholic Church is Saturday at 5:30 PM and Sunday at 9:00 AM.

Motels You may make your reservations to stay at the America’s Best Value Inn , Somerville (979) 596-3884; Somerville Inn & Suites (979) 596-1000; Best Western, Brenham (979) 251-7791; Comfort Suites, Brenham (979) 421-8100; Holiday Inn Express, Brenham (979) 836-4590; La Quinta Inn & Suites, Brenham (979) 836-5551.  Remember, it will be a post-holiday weekend.  Make your reservations early. 

Reunion Registration and Fees Registration will begin at 1:30 PM.  The registration fee is the same as the last reunion’s fee:  Adults=$10.00; Children 5-10 Years=$5;

Children Under 4 are free.  (We do, however, want all children to be also registered so that we can have a good attendance count.)


(1) A Welcoming Table for light refreshments and snacks will be set up.  Since only the catered dinner meal at 5:30 PM will be provided, please bring chips, dips, crackers, cheese, cookies, fruit or pastries to share with the family. 

(2) Due to limited space,  one (1) General Altar will be set up for deceased family members.  For those who choose to display photos, families are asked to bring one (1) photo per deceased loved one(s). 

(3) Silent Auction donations are requested. If you have a basket of items or item to donate to the silent auction, just bring the basket or item to the reunion where an auction table will be set up. 

There are many events planned throughout the day.   The tentative agenda for the day of the reunion is:

8:30 AM                5K Walk/Run

8:00 AM                Start of Softball Tournament

1:30 PM                Reunion Registration Begins

1:30 – 6:00 PM     Silent Auction

2:00 PM                Welcome, Prayer and Tribute to Veterans

2:30 PM                Introduction of Family Branches,

Recognition of Oldest Family Member

                              Recognition of Those Who Traveled the Farthest

3:00 PM                Talent Show and Science Demonstration in Family Center

                              (Each talent presentation is limited to 5 minutes.)

3:00 PM                Visiting Time and Open Meeting in Parish Hall

4:00 PM                Presentation of 5K Walk/Run and Soft Ball Tournament Winners

5:30 PM                Catered Dinner

6:30 PM                Live Auction

      7:30–10:30 PM     Dance


2012 Registration

2012 OROZCO FAMILY REUNION REGISTRATION FORM Saturday, July 7, 2012 in Somerville, Texas 77879
Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________State: ________________
 Zip Code: _________ Telephone No.: (_____)________________
E-mail Address: __________________________
The Names of Your Individual Family Members, IncludingYourself, That Will Attend the 2012 Orozco Family Reunion:
1) __________________________   7) __________________________
2) __________________________   8) __________________________
3) __________________________   9) __________________________
4) __________________________ 10) __________________________
5) __________________________ 11) __________________________
6) __________________________ 12) __________________________
(In the event additional space is needed, you may write in the additional names of those in your individual family that will attend the 2012 Orozco Family Reunion on the reverse side of this form.) OROZCO FAMILY REUNION REGISTRATION FEE: Adults = $10.00; Children 5-10 Years = $5; Children 4 Years and Under are free. We do, however, want all children to be also registered so that we can have a good attendance count. (The registration fee has remained the same as the last reunion’s fee.) For final reunion preparation purposes, please mail in your registration form and payment or your regrets prior to or by June 23, 2012. If, if you are unable to send the entire payment by that date, please send in the registration form so that an accurate number of attendees can be determined. Thank you! Mail the Registration Form and Fee to: Orozco Family Reunion c/o Angela Orozco, Treasurer P. O. Box 742 Somerville, Texas 77879 Please leave this section blank, it will be completed by the treasurer.
Amount Due: ______________ Check No. _____________
Amount Received: ______________ Money Order No. _____________
Balance Due: ______________ Cash _____________
Date Received: ______________

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Garage Sale a Big Success!

A Garage Sale was held on March 23rd and 24th at the home of Jesse and Vangie Alvarez. The garage sale was a huge success. Thank you everyone who donated or helped.

Save the Date

Monday, January 2, 2012

Meet Lucinda Orozco Murphy

I am one of ten children born in Somerville, Texas to Margarito and Lucinda Reyes Orozco. Two of my siblings have died. My paternal grandparents were Arcadio and Isaac (Velásquez) Orozco. Arcadio was one of the seven children of Alejo and Mercedes Orozco, along with Hilario, Sotero, Torso, Gabino, Antonia and Ricarda. My maternal grandparents were Miguel and Refugia (Hernández) Reyes. My husband is John and our sons are Camilo, a college freshman, and Andrés, a senior in high school. We moved from Chicago to San Antonio in 2006.
I am currently involved in Estate Sales and am the Coordinator of the Catholic liturgy in Spanish at our parish, St. Padre Pio. I love music and for fun play guitar and take piano lessons weekly. I am a Flaco Jimenez fan and a fan of conjunto accordion music, along with my husband.
In 1991 I founded the Orozco Family Reunion and have worked on all of them to this day. I am very passionate about our reunion and our heritage and most especially about preserving our Spanish language with all of its beauty.
It is my hope that you will make plans to attend the reunion this year and please accept this as a personal invitation to you to join us at the Orozco Reunion July 7,2012 in Somerville. Please spread the word. We are working to make it a memorable day for you. Es de suma importancia saber quiénes somos como pueblo colmados de una cultura muy colorida y vibrante.

Orozco Family Reunion 2012 Meeting

A breakfast meeting was held Friday, November 25, 2011 at 8:00 AM at the home of Jesse and Vangie Alvarez in Bryan

Present were Lucinda Murphy, Lucia Orozco and Jesse and Vangie Alvarez.

Those present reviewed the notes from the previous meetings.

The date for the 2012 reunion is Saturday, July 7, 2012 at St Ann’s Parish Hall in Somerville, Texas.

Registration will be straight registration. No need to list family branch. Angie Orozco and Carmen Negrete will be asked to revise the registration form.

Fees: $10/Adults; $5/ 5-10 years old; Under 4 years old/free. Only one meal with provided for the day. Lucinda will contact the caterer Ricky Manthei to make arrangements for a meal for about 250 persons. She and Lucia will be in charge of the Welcoming table. All will be invited to bring snacks and desserts for the table for all to share. Fino Orozco has volunteered to bake a Reunion Cake for the occasion. Lucinda’s sisters will help with the Welcoming Table.

The theme for the reunion is “Patriotic” and the event will be initiated with a salute to the veterans. This salute to veterans might take the place of the Talent Show. All living and deceased vets will be recognized. All attending will be asked to wear patriotic garb instead of designated T-shirts.

DJ “Dr Love, Richard Cortez will provide the music for the evening dance.

Angie Orozco is to arrange for rental of the small hall and Dr. Barrera to be invited to do his science demonstration for the children in that hall. On a previous meeting it was suggested that Josie and Christie Portales would be asked to organize the kid’s activities.

Tables will be provided if attendees wish to bring items for the family altars. However the altars will not be publicized.

It was decided that one person should be responsible for paying any and all bills. Angie Orozco, being the treasurer will be the only person to make payments. Others working in any capacity will be notified of this so that there will be no confusion.

The committee would like to have an updated financial report. Have the funds for the benches in Cerritos been sent?

Lucinda suggested that two mailings be sent out in addition to the e-mails. One mailing should go out early next year and the second a few weeks prior to the reunion. Angie and Carmen will be asked to set up the mailings.

First time attendees and out-of-towners will be recognized. Jesse will share a story at this time to reflect the need for welcoming new comers and making them feel at home among relatives.

Some committees now have chairpersons:
5-K Run Dr Ric Montelongo & wife Angie

Baseball Tournament Greg Sanchez & Natalia Orozco (have asked to begin tournament earlier in the day)

Registration Kathy, Monica & Kim Munoz and Angie Orozco

Food & Welcoming Lucinda Murphy and Lucia Orozco

Live Auction Jesse Alvarez (3-4 very special items)

Silent Auction Anita Canales

Decorations Vangie Alvarez (Teresa Perez has been asked to


Veterans Program Teresa Perez has been asked to organize program.

Jesse has e-mailed Minnie Garcia to ask her if she would co-emcee at the reunion with him.

Lucinda had several very good suggestions. One was to have a block of time midway through the day to visit since many folks arrive late. Perhaps we could have some ice breakers. The ice breaker idea will be discussed at the next meeting.

Lucinda also suggested that we might have a Reunion King and Queen. Details would have to be worked out as to how the selections would be done.

She also suggested that we make a donation to the Mt Calvary Cemetery in Somerville. This is a good idea that will be discussed at the next meeting.

Lucinda asked that we send an outline of the minutes to the e-mail addresses in addition to the full minutes that are being sent to the committee members. It was agreed that this would be a good idea so that interest would be generated and word would get around.

Lucia brought up the fact that the Orozco’s came to the United States almost a hundred years ago. She suggested that maybe this could be the 100th anniversary reunion. It was decided that perhaps the next reunion would be closer the 100th year and that could be the big celebration of the family’s arrival in the U.S.A.

A garage sale to help raise funds will be held on March 25 at the home of Jesse and Vangie Alvarez.

Jesse asked Lucinda to work up a tentative time line for the day of the reunion by the next meeting.

We are to bring ideas to the next meeting, which is on Sunday, February 19, 2012 at Teresa & Raymond Perez’s home in Somerville.