Saturday, June 18, 2011

Garage Sale Fundraiser set for September 30th and October 1st

We are having our one and only fundraiser for the 2012 Orozco Family Reunion! Let's make it a success!

Yes, start cleaning your closets, storage buildings, cupboards, garages, etc. We are having a GARAGE SALE! Jesse and Vangie have volunteered their home for the location. The sale will be all day on Friday and 1/2 day on Saturday. Your donations should be taken to Jesse Alvarez' home, Bryan, Texas, anytime 2 weeks prior to the date. I suggest contacting Jesse by email @, to get directions and to make sure he will be home when you deliver. If you are interested in helping, please let us know. You can contact Jesse Alvarez at 979/779-6488 or by email at

Volunteer time requests:
Tue - Wed - Thurs-, Sept 27th, 28th, 29th : Pricing items, 4 pm - 8 pm
It you would like to help and have some time during the day to assist with pricing,you may contact Jessie and set up a time for a day shift.
Friday, Sept 30th - sale hours are 8am - 6 pm; Volunteers hours are: 7 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday, October 1st - sale hours are 7 am - 12 pm; Volunteer hours are: 6:30 am - 12:30 pm
You won't have to stay the entire day, but volunteers will be needed throughout the day.

Some suggestions to help with the sale:
Bring your donated items 2 weeks in advance
Bring clothes on hangers, we will price items at the site.
We will take anything you want to get rid of. These are some items with high popularity at garage sales: furniture, lawn mowers, household items, home appliances, plus size clothing, toys, and jeans.

If you are making a trip to Somerville on September 10th, you may bring your donations with you.
Any items not sold will be donated to the local hospice organization.

Meeting News - May 22, 2011

A meeting was held on Sunday, May 22nd, at the home of Jesse and Vangie Alvarez. Present were: Jesse and Vangie Alvarez, Lucy Orozco, and Angie Orozco.

The following items were reviewed:
Reunion date is confirmed for July 7, 2012

Location: St. Ann's Parish Hall, Somerville, Texas

Theme: "Patriotic" .

We will start the event with saluting all family veterans.

Dance: Yes, we will have a dance, music provided by DJ, Dr. Love (Richard Cortez) from Bryan, Texas.

Meetings: will continue with the first Tuesday of every month at 6 pm, with additional weekend dates to be scheduled.

Meeting note taker: Vangie Alvarez

We continue to search for more chairman volunteers.

These are the designated committees:
* 5K Run - Dr. Ric Montelongo

* Baseball Tournament - Greg Sanchez and Natalia Orozco

* Fund Raisers -

* Youth Roundup -

* Registration -

* Meals- Lucinda Murphy

* Entertainment -

* Auction -

* Silent Auction -

* Theme/Decorations -

* Welcoming & Desserts - Lucinda Murphy

The success of the reunion depends on your time and talent. It is not too early to volunteer to fill the committee chairs so we can proceed with planning. If you would like to volunteer or have questions or suggestions. Please send an email to We look forward to your comments.