Wednesday, June 24, 2009

La Capilla de San Cristobal

This is la capilla de San Cristobal in San Cristobal, San Luis Potosi. In the old days the building was used to store grain a "granera." Orozco family members who live there and others from Cerritos, restored and cleaned the building and turned it into a chapel. Mass is celebrated about once a month. It is also used for quienceneras and weddings. The Feast of San Cristobal is celebrated in a big way. The next project planned is a gazebo and placita in front of the chapel. We hope to raise some funds at the reuion to assist with this. The road leading to San Cristobal has been greatly improved. It is still full of pot holes but is very passable due to the improvements made through the Orozcos in Cerritos. San Cristobal is about a forty five minute drive north of Cerritos due to the road condition. The people there have a system in place to buy their supplies. The arrangement is that whoever has plans to go into town takes orders and does the shopping.

Photos from Mexico

In the background are some of the ruins in San Cristobal. The area shown was for the hineteos/rodeos. That is one of the Orozco cousins in the photo.

Photos from Mexico

A Warm Texas Welcome !!!

Random Pictures of Past Reunions

Celebrating the mass
A fun game of sack races

Relatives having a grand time visiting in the cool air conditioning

One of the family altars

A family altar

Monday, June 22, 2009


For more information and to register, please send name(s), 5K runner or walker, and category to:
Ric and Angie Montelongo at or call (281)218-6705.

We hope to see you there!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Softball Tournament added to Reunion Events

Natalia Orozco is coordinating a softball tournament for the July 4th Orozco Reunion. We are currently looking for teams.

Below is some general information:
  • Teams are made up by family branch

  • Up to two teams per branch

  • Teams must have a minumum of 9 players

  • Age minumum, 10 years old

  • Games will be 9 innings or 45 minutes

  • Single Elimination

  • Bring your own equipment, beverages, uniforms if desired

  • Tournament will begin at 9 am on Saturday, July 4th

For more information or to register your team, send your request to Please include your name and phone number on the email and someone will reply either by email or a phone call.

Final Newsletter Goes Out in Mail (Click on letter to expand)

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Shrine of St. Christopher

The story of the Orozco family begins in San Cristobal, state of San Luis Potosì, Mexico. In July of 2004, a group of third generation descendents from Somerville, Houston and Bryan, traveled to Cerritos, Guadalcazar and San Cristobal to visit and search for information. Linda Reyes (Hernandez) is shown standing at the shrine to St. Christopher which marks the entrance to the hacienda de San Cristobal. This photo is in memory of Linda who searched and found information.

A Mexican Rural School

This photo shows the five room rural school which has an enrollment of about twenty children. Adjacent to it is the open air theater where children perform and is used for the community. The mountain s in the background surround San Cristobal and is a great backdrop for the hacienda. People live in a wide area and make a living tending to their crops grown on milpas ( farmland). Crops grown are namely corn and vegetables which are then sold at the mercado. Some cattle are raised.

Los Orozco's de Mexico

We still have relatives living in both Cerritos and San Cristobal, the Orozco cradle. Shown in this photo are Consuelo and Ladislado Orozco with their father (center) Ricardo Orozco. Notice the fence and the light post. Ricardo’s wife has since died. Don Ricardo is from the Tirso branch. His father is Andres Orozco y Lazara Saucedo. Andres is son of Lucas Orozco and Petra Vega.